jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2012


The country has an indigenous Native American Name, from Huron or Iroquois kanata, 'camp', 'village'. When sailing up the St. Lawrence in 1536, the French explorer Jacques Cartier noticed that local people referred to their settlements as kanata, and the French assumed thar this was the name of the entire country. Among the names suggested for the proposed confederation in 1867 were: Albertsland, Albionora, Borealia ('northern land'), Britannia, Cabotia, Colonia, Efisga (an acronym of England, France, Ireland, Scotland, Germany, and Aboriginal lands), Norland, ('northern land'), Superior, Transatlantia, Tuponia and Victorialand. The indigenous name won the day.

Adrian ROOM, Placements of the World: Origins and Meanings of the Names for 6,600 countries, cities, territories, natural features and historic sites, McFarland & Company, Jefferson, 2006.