martes, 5 de febrero de 2013

4º CC.SS. - TEMA 4 - Biographies

Look up their biography: José Bonaparte, Duke of Wellington, Manuel Godoy, Mariana Pineda , Colonel Riego , José de San Martín, Simón Bolivar, Zumalacarregui , Maroto, Cabrera, Amadeo I , Serrano, Pavía , Salmerón , and Martínez Campos

  • He was the last general of the Carlist forces.
  • He became a favourite of Charles IV and of his wife Queen Maria Louisa and was Prime Minister.
  • He led the bands of Don Carlos in Catalonia and Aragon.
  • He was a Venezuelan military and political leader.
  • He fought in the Peninsular war and defeated French armies.
  • He was president of the First Spanish Republic.
  • He restored Spain's Bourbon dynasty
  • She was a liberal who embroidered an antimonarchist flag.
  • He was the only King of Spain from the House of Savoy.
  • He was Prime Minister of Spain and regent in 1868-1869.
  • He started a mutiny demanding the return of the 1812 Constitution.
  • He was an Argentine general.
  • He was a Carlist general who besieged Bilbao.
  • He was defeated by Marshal Serrano at the bridge of Alcolea in 1868.
  • He was the elder brother of Napoleon Bonaparte, who made him King of Spain.

Sistema político de la Restauración (page 9).