viernes, 8 de febrero de 2013

4º CC.SS. - TEMA 4 - Ejercicios

Join words and definition:
Carlist, Cacique, Civil Guard, CNT, Conservative Party, Desamortizacion (disentailment), Embrace of Vergara, Liberal Union, Moderate Party, Pragmatic Sanction, Progressive Party, Salic Law, Vicalvarada, UGT.

  • Liberal party founded by O’Donnell:
  • Party founded by Cánovas:
  • Corrupt electoral system that manipulated the elections:
  • Edict issued by Ferdinand VII revoking the Salic Law:
  • Party that advocated the dismantling of the entire structure of the Ancien Régime:
  • Socialist trade union:
  • Confiscation of church lands:
  • Political boss:
  • Anarchist trade union:
  • Traditionalist and legitimist political movement in Spain:
  • One of the two Spanish political parties that contended for power during the reign of Isabella II:
  • Group of disadvantaged people who couldn´t buy property:
  • Rule of succession in certain royal families of Europe, forbidding females and those descended in the female line to succeed to the titles in the family:
  • Police force founded by moderates:
  • Military uprising supported by the progressives:
  • Banishment of manorial system:
  • Agreement that ended the major fighting in First Carlist War:

  • Cabrera was Prime Minister of Spain and regent in 1868-1869:
  • Cánovas started a mutiny demanding the return of the 1812 Constitution:
  • The textile factories developed mainly in Andalusia:
  • Bolívar was an Argentine general:
  • Joseph I was the only King of Spain from the House of Bourbon:
  • The Spanish subsoil is rich in mineral deposits, such as silver and gold:
  • Ferdinand VII defeated French armies:
  • Pablo Iglesias founded the Liberal Union:
  • Zumalacárregui was a liberal who embroidered an antimonarchist flag:
  • Asturias lacked coal and had to import it by sea:
  • Figueras restored Spain's Bourbon dynasty:
  • The railroad developed in Spain successfully:
  • Sagasta founded the Socialist Workers' Party:
  • Wellington was a Venezuelan military and political leader:
  • Isabella II was president of the First Spanish Republic:
  • Spain declared war in 1898 when a Spanish boat sank:
  • The movement claiming the Catalan language and culture supposed the creation of political parties such as ERC:
  • Spanish population grew faster than European:
  • General Espartero led the bands of Don Carlos in Catalonia and Aragon: