martes, 2 de abril de 2013

4º CC.SS. - Nineteenth-Century Art

1-The groups will be of three students. Each group should choose among one of the themes given in the following list:
  • The Rococo movement
  • The Neoclassical movement
  • The Romanticism
  • The Realism 
  • The Historicism 
  • The Art in the Industrial Age (The Architecture of the Iron and cement)
  • The Impressionism
  • The Neo-Impressionism
  • The Modernism
You should make a summary of each style, pointing out the most important painting as well as the sculpture and the architecture if there was any.
This summary has to be given in two ways ; inside power with pictures and some brief comments and a little notebook .
At least 20  slides.

2-Write also long biographies and comment one painting or building of:
  • Goya
  • Gaudí
  • Renoir
  • Sorolla

3-Short biographies of :
  • David
  • Courbet
  • Manet
  • Monet
  • Van Gogh
  • Mariano Benlliure

All the groups will be marked as followed: 60% the power point, and the 40% the presentation in class, each group will have to present the power point to the rest of the class.
Remember to use the techniques for commenting a painting given by the English teacher.

Don´t overuse "the cut and paste"
Work in class in silence , the much the better

Be careful I think this is your last opportunity to pass the Term