miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2013

1º CC.SS. - TEMA 9 - Repaso

Choose the correct verb to complete the sentences about Mesopotamia:
  • The king was/wasn’t considered a god.
  • The law was/wasn’t equal for men and woman.
  • People believed/didn’t believe in afterlife.
  • Assyrian Empire replaced/didn’t replace Babylonian Empire.
  • Mesopotamia had/had no forests for wood, didn’t lack/lacked building materials.
  • Hammurabiʼs Code established/didn’t establish the idea that rule of law is important.
  • The Mesopotamians practiced/didn’t practice medicine.

Correct these sentences if necessary:
  • Historians divided Mesopotamian dynasties into Old, Middle, and New kingdoms:
  • Egyptians believed pharaoh was a god:
  • Abu Simbel was built by Rameses III:
  • People enslaved if had debts:
  • Economy was based on irrigated agriculture and trade of surplus products:
  • The clay tablets were left out in the sun to become hard:
  • Hammurabi is most famous for his beard:
  • Sumerian priests ran irrigation, so temple was center of city life:
  • Queen Hatshepsut was the first teenager pharaoh:
  • The Egyptians built roads to honour pharaohs:
  • Food surpluses let people do jobs other than farm:
  • Slaves were at bottom of society but generally treated well:
  • Khufu wanted to show world his greatness and ordered construction of largest pyramid ever:
  • Egyptians believed in sad afterlife:
  • Anubis was a goddess of the love:
  • Egyptians developed a complex society with many different jobs and social roles:
  • Assyrian kings used to hunt donkeys:
  • The Sumerian ruler was called patesi:
  • Heavy rains flooded Nile every winter:
  • Sargon I of Akkad conquered all Sumer and founded the Babylonian Empire: