lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014

3º CC.SS. - TEMA 1 - Types of rainfall

1. A mass of moist air comes across a barrier.
2. The air is forced to rise.
3. The air gets cool.
4. It rains in the mountainside where the wind blows.

1. The Sunlight warms the earth's surface intensively.
2. The air in contact with the ground is heated, so it is lighter and it rises.
3. When the air rises,it gets cool.
4. Water vapour condenses into clouds and it rains.

1. Warm air meets cold air.
2. The warm air is lighter than cold air and it is therefore forced to rise above it.
3. As the air rises it begins to cool and condense.
4. As the water vapour condenses back to water droplets, clouds are formed. As the clouds grow bigger it starts to rain.