viernes, 11 de octubre de 2013

1º CC.SS. - TEMA 1 - Review

  1. What is a star?
  2. What is a planet?
  3. Is Pluto a planet of the solar system?
  4. Which planets are closer to the Sun?
  5. What is the Milky Way?
  6. Which ones are further away?
  7. Which planets are larger than the Earth?
  8. Which planets are smaller?
  9. Name the largest and the smallest planet.
  10. What is the Halley’s Comet?
  11. What is the Southern Cross?
  12. What is a “leap year”?
  13. What is the rotation?
  14. What did Monday mean?
  15. What is the revolution?
  16. Complete. The Earth makes a complete rotation on its axis…
  17. What are the meridians?
  18. Which is the first meridian?
  19. How many meridians are there?
  20. What are the parallels?
  21. Which are the most important parallels?
  22. How many cardinal points are there?
  23. Imagine that you are in the countryside. How can you find where the North is at 8 a.m.?
  24. What does a cartographer do?
  25. What are the two forms of representing scale on maps?