lunes, 7 de octubre de 2013

4º CC.SS. - TEMA 1 - Review

  1. Which Germanic tribes invaded Britain in the 5th century?
  2. What language did the Saxons speak?
  3. What is the most spoken language in the world?
  4. In which countries is English an official language?
  5. How was the monarchy in the 18th century?
  6. What was the triangular trade?
  7. Why did population increase in the 18th century?
  8. What were the Estates of the Realm?
  9. What were the privileged Estates?
  10. Why were the bourgeois not-privileged?
  11. What was Enlightenment about?
  12. What is mercantilism?
  13. Who wrote Candide?
  14. Who defended the national sovereignty?
  15. What is the encyclopaedia?
  16. When did the English monarchy lose their political power?
  17. Why was Charles I beheaded?
  18. Who was Oliver Cromwell?
  19. What was the Bill of Rights?
  20. What was the Enlightened Absolutism?
  21. Why did the Thirteen Colonies revolt against Great Britain?
  22. Who was George Washington?
  23. Who was Thomas Jefferson?
  24. What were the differences between the English political system and American political system?
  25. Why did the Spanish succession begin?
  26. What were the institutions created by the Bourbons in Spain?
  27. Why did the people of Madrid revolt against Esquilache?