jueves, 13 de febrero de 2014

4º CC.SS. - TEMA 5 - Vocabulary

Define: Colonialism, Protectorates, Dominions, Mandates, Entente Cordiale, Treaty of Saint-Germain, Trench, White Man’s Burden, Companies, Berlin Conference, Schlieffen Plan, Opium War.

  1. Agreement between Britain and France signed in 1904.
  2. Territories that were granted significant freedom to rule themselves.
  3. A defensive military fortification dug to protect soldiers.
  4. A permanent world assembly which settled disputes between countries.
  5. War between Great Britain and China over their conflicting viewpoints on trade.
  6. Battle plan drawn up by German military tacticians, with the objective of securing victory in the event of a war with both France and Russia.
  7. Areas directly ruled by a governor on behalf of the British government and represented the Crown.
  8. Private organisations that controlled colonial trade.
  9. Meeting between European nations to create rules on how to peacefully divide Africa among them for colonisation.
  10. German and Turkish territories and colonies that were passed to Britain and France after the Great War.
  11. A practice of domination, which involves the subjugation of one people by another.
  12. Territories where the local rulers could continue ruling domestically, but ceding British foreign affairs.
  13. Treaty signed by allies and Austria after the Great War.
  14. Poem by the English poet Rudyard Kipling who defended colonialism.