miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2014

3º CC.SS. - TEMA 11 - Globalisation (3)

1.1. Information society
Thanks to media the whole world is interconnected, which has developed the information society, where people can obtain and pass on information easily and quickly. It helps to create a knowledge society where people receive information and are also educated.
As a result there is exchange of customs, literature, music, art, science, technology...

Q8 What are the most influential mass media today?

1.2. Dividing the world
Globalisation has extended the way of life of Western countries (mostly the USA and Europe’s countries) worldwide.
- Some cultures and peoples have stimulated the defence of their own values and beliefs as a means to preserve their traditions against the West.
- Some other people have even taken up radical positions.
There are two major areas in the world nowadays:
Central parts. These areas have large metropolises or global cities (New York, Tokyo, London, Paris...) that have become the main decision-making centres and the main multinational companies are located. It is composed of the richest countries (USA, European Union, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan) as well as some emerging countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China).
- They export high-value products and technology.
- They make large investments and grant loans for development.
- They offer advanced services and provide skilled workers.
Peripheral areas. They are less developed areas (mostly African, Asian, and Latin American) and they depend totally on central parts.
- They export raw materials and cheap manufactured goods.
- Their levels of external debts are quite high.
- They offer tourism to rich tourists of developed countries.
- They provide cheap labour force.

Q9. Which continents are the two major areas in the world today located on?

1.3. Controversy about globalisation
1.3.1. Support for globalisation
There are international organisms that support globalisation, such as the World Trade Organisation (WTO) or the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as well as the most industrialised countries that meet in the G8 (France, Germany, Italy, Japan, UK, USA, Canada, and Russia) and G20 (20 countries that represent 85% of the world’s economy). 


These organisations and states support globalisation basing on:
- It extends market economy, where goods, services, capital, and people can freely exchange.
- It benefits all countries and individuals since it increases the supply of goods and services, which involves lower prices.
- People, cultures, and countries are brought together.
- It leads to a greater cooperation between governments and institutions in order to solve global problems (poverty, environment, wars...).
- Data, information, and knowledge are transmitted more easily and that enriches people.

Q10. What is the G8 and what does it do?
Q11. What are the G20 countries?

Q12. Search for information on this website and answer the questions.
a) What reasons explain we are better off with the system than without it?
b) Who Benefits from the WTO?