domingo, 25 de mayo de 2014

3º CC.SS. - TEMA 11 - Globalisation (2)

Q2. What images spring to mind when you hear the word ‘globalisation’?
Q3. How has globalisation affected your life?
Q4. Has globalisation improved people’s lives?
Q5. Do you think globalisation will make us all the same in the future?

Globalisation has created a common market where people, goods, ideas, knowledge and information travel worldwide.

This new model has the following characteristics:
- Growth of international trade.
- Production is manufactured worldwide by multinational companies, which have branches in many countries.
- Increase of financial flow due to investment and speculation in order to get profits or funding.
- Interrelation of the whole world, where a decision taken in a part of the world affects the entire planet.

Q6. What is globalisation?
Q7. What are the ten biggest transnational companies?