viernes, 20 de junio de 2014

1º CC.SS. - TEMA 12 - Review

Answer the questions:

1.- Answer the following questions and say whether they are true or false. Correct the false ones.
a) The Iberian Peninsula was not inhabited before the Romans arrived.
b) Rome occupied the north of the peninsula after they defeated the Cantabri and the Astures.
c) Hadrian, Trajan, and Theodosius were Visigothic kings.
d) The Tarraconensis was a Roman road.
e) Hamilcar Barca commanded the Roman army that arrived in Emporion in 218 BC.
f) The Romans began their conquest by conquering the tribes of the north.
g) Under Rome, the economy of Hispania depended on cattle raising and soldiers.

2.- List the present-day languages of the Iberian Peninsula that descend from Latin.

3.- After the arrival of the Romans, the towns in Hispania became very important. Find out and write the modern names of these Spanish Roman towns.
a. Caesaraugusta
b. Toletum
c. Emerita Augusta
d. Hispalis
e. Lucus Augusti
f. Pompaelo
g. Tarraco
h. Asturica Augusta
i. Complutum
j. Gigia
k. Barcino
l. Carthago Nova

4.- Now guess the Roman names of the following Spanish towns:
a. Calatayud
b. Valencia
c. Lérida
d. Huesca
e. Granada
f. Salamanca
g. León
h. Sigüenza
i. Calahorra
j. Castro Urdiales

5.- Give the name of a philosopher, a writer and an emperor born in Roman Spain.

6.- Match each building to the correct location:

7.- Find out the Roman name given in Spanish to the people that have been born in the following cities and say why they are called like that:
a. Huelva
b. Ciudad Rodrigo
c. Alcalá de Henares
d. Lugo
e. Gerona
f. Cádiz
g. Tarrasa
h. Cabra
i. Elche
j. Vic

8.- Match each of the following terms with the correct definition:

9.- Match the words on the left with the correct periods: