viernes, 13 de junio de 2014

1º CC.SS. - TEMA 12 - Roman Spain

Answer the questions

Q14. Why did Romans come to Spain? When happened that?

Q15. Who was Hannibal?

Q16. When did the Roman conquest of Spain end?

Q17. Which was the last region to be conquered?

Q18. Who was Viriathus?

Q19. List the different provinces that Romans created in Spain between the 2nd century BC and the 4th century AD.

Q20. Complete:

Q21. What was the Constitutio Antoniniana?

Q22. What is Monte Testaccio? Where is it?

Q23. What is the romanisation?

Q24. Who roman emperors were born in Spain?

Q25. What barbarian peoples invaded Spain? Where did they locate?