martes, 17 de junio de 2014

1º CC.SS. - TEMA 12 - Visigothic Spain

Answer the questions:

Q26. When did the Visigoths settle in Spain?

Q27. Which was the capital of the Visigothic kingdom?

Q28. How did the Visigoths reach Hispania?

Q29. Which king united almost the whole peninsula during the Visigothic period?

Q30. Why was so important the Liber Iudiciorum?

Q31. How was the Visigothic economy?

Q32. Why was St. Isidore’s Etymologies so important?

Q33. Put the words in the correct order to form questions and answer them:
a) the last/was/king/Who/Visigothic?
b) fight/did he/have to/armies/What?
c) which/die/battle/did he/In?
d) did/end/the kingdom/When/of Toledo?

Q34. Complete the questions with the appropriate question word: What or Who.
a. __________ type of government did the Visigoths have?
b. __________ did the Councils of Toledo represent?
c. __________ was head of the army?
d. __________ was the function of the Aula Regia?

Q35. Match each question above with the correct answer:
a. To give advice to the King.
b. The Catholic Church.
c. A monarchy.
d. The King.

Q36. What were the main economic activities of the Visigoths? What happened to trade?

Q37. Match each Visigothic king with the innovation introduced during his reign:

Q38. Match each name with the correct description: