lunes, 2 de junio de 2014

3º CC.SS. - TEMA 11 - Globalisation (5)

Most of Europe, North America, many Central and South American countries, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand have high or medium level of development.

Instead, most of Africa and most of Asia have a low level of development.

Q16. Locate these countries:
a) Top 10:
b) Bottom 10:

Q17.- Read the document and answer the questions:
Emo, ergo sum! (I shop, therefore I am!) A phenomenon that comes with Americanization is the construction and valorization of identity as a consumer. An important dimension of Americanization is the consumer culture that “originated in the United States” and has been exported around the world through the process of globalisation. “A major function of consumerism is to produce consumers – to recast individuals as consumers, to reforge them into consumers.” The key here is not that there are similarities in the particular products consumed, but rather, the function of consumption, its role, in different cultures. “Under a consumer culture, consumption becomes the main form of self-expression and the chief source of identity.” Consider, consumer culture erodes a fixed sense of identity (or, it dominates, supplants, marginalizes other identities). This can be both liberating and debilitating.
a) What aspects of such a culture are liberating for you?
b) Which are debilitating, or negative?

Q19. Search for information on these websites and answer the questions.

a) What is a sweatshop?
b) Which products are made in sweatshops?
c) Are sweatshops a necessary step on the road to economic development? What do you think?
d) According the picture, what should be able to afford the workers?
e) How do you think we can end sweatshops?

Q20.These drawings represent features related to the development and underdevelopment.
Write under each one if it is associated with the development or underdevelopment and what feature alludes.

Q21. Comment the cartoons: