miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2015

4º CC.SS. - TEMA 10 - North Korea executed defence minister with anti-aircraft fire


North Korean leader Kim Jong-un ordered his defence chief executed with an anti-aircraft gun for complaining about the young ruler, talking back to him and sleeping during a meeting presided over by Kim, South Korea's spy agency told lawmakers Wednesday, citing what it called credible information.

South Korean analysts are split on whether the alleged bloody purge signals strength or weakness from Kim Jong-un, who took power after his father's 2011 death. Some aren't even sure if it really happened. One expert described the reported development, part of a series of high-profile recent purges and executions by Kim, as an attempt to orchestrate a "reign of terror" that would solidify his leadership.

National Intelligence Service officials told a closed-door parliamentary committee meeting that People's Armed Forces Minister Hyon Yong Chol was killed in front of hundreds of spectators at a shooting range at Pyongyang's Kang Kon Military Academy in late April, according to lawmaker Shin Kyoung-min, who attended the briefing.

CBC, May 13, 2015

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Documental sobre Corea del Norte