jueves, 31 de marzo de 2016

Abril cultural

  • July 4, 1776: United States Declaration of Independence.
  • July 14 1789: Storming on the Bastille.
  • May 2, 1808: Popular uprising in Madrid against the French.
  • July 19, 1808: Battle of Bailén, first defeat of the Napoleonic armies.
  • March 19, 1812: The first Spanish Constitution was issued.
  • December 11, 1813: Treaty of Valençay, Fernando VII was restored to the throne of Spain.
  • June 18, 1815: Battle of Waterloo, Napoleon's defeat.
  • December 9, 1824: Battle of Ayacucho, Spain lost its colonial empire in South America.
  • July 27, 1830: French July Revolution begins.
  • February 23, 1848: Beginning of the Revolution in France.
  • March 17, 1861: Victor Emmanuel II of Savoy assumed the title of king of Italy.
  • September 1, 1870: Battle of Sedan.
  • January 18, 1871: William of Prussia is proclaimed emperor of Germany.
  • February 11, 1873: The First Spanish Republic is proclaimed.
  • December 29, 1874: General Martinez Campos proclaimed Alphonso de Bourbon king of Spain.
  • June 28, 1914: Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria.
  • November 7, 1917: Russian Revolution.
  • November 11, 1918: World War I ends.
  • April 14, 1931: The Second Spanish Republic was proclaimed.
  • January 30, 1933: Hitler became chancellor of Germany.
  • July 18, 1936: Spanish Civil War begins.
  • September 1, 1939: Hitler invades Poland; World War II begins.
  • June 6, 1944: Normandy landings.
  • July 17, 1947: The State of Israel was born.
  • January 30, 1948: Gandhi, the father of Indian independence, was assassinated.
  • October 1, 1949: Mao Zedong declared the creation of the People's Republic of China (PRC).
  • October 23, 1956: Soviet tanks went into Budapest to restore order.
  • January 8, 1959: Fidel Castro enters Havana.
  • November 8, 1960: Kennedy becomes US president.
  • November 20, 1975: Franco dies.
  • December 8, 1978: The Spanish Constitution was ratified in a referendum.
  • November 9, 1989: Berlin Wall falls.
  • September 11, 2001: Terrorist attacks on New York and Washington.