domingo, 24 de abril de 2016

4º CC.SS. - TEMA 8 - R2

Who were these figures?
Alphonso XIII, Antonio Maura, José Canalejas, Miguel Primo de Rivera, Niceto Alcalá Zamora, Manuel Azaña, Clara Campoamor, José Sanjurjo, José María Gil Robles, Francisco Largo Caballero, Juan Negrín.

  • …formed a coalition called the CEDA
  • …became prime minister soon after the outbreak of the civil war
  • …was the last loyalist prime minister of Spain
  • …was president of the Second Republic
  • …authorized a military dictatorship
  • …was a conservative politician who started a series of reforms
  • …led military uprisings in 1932 and 1936
  • …was a liberal politician who introduced obligatory military service
  • …advocated for women's rights and suffrage
  • …implemented a military reform
  • …founded an authoritarian and nationalistic regime