lunes, 30 de mayo de 2016

4º CC.SS. - TEMA 10 - Review

22. Which Asian countries became communist?
  a. China, North Korea and Vietnam.
  b. Taiwan and Japan.
  c. Both answers are correct.
23. What was the Blockade of Berlin?
  a. The USSR cut all the contacts with West Berlin.
  b. The USA cut all the contacts with East Berlin.
  c. None of them.
24. What is the official status of the Korean War?
  a. There is a peace.
  b. There is an armistice.
  c. None of them.
25. Why was the Berlin Wall built?
  a. The inhabitants of West Berlin took advantage of the situation in order to cross the border to East Berlin.
  b. The inhabitants of East Berlin took advantage of the situation in order to cross the border to West Berlin.
  c. Both answers are correct.
26. Why did the Soviet Union put missiles in Cuba?
  a. In 1961 Kennedy tried to depose Castro.
  b. After Bay of Pigs, Castro strengthened his communist reforms on the island.
  c. Both answers are correct.
27. Why was the USA so worried about soviet missiles?
  a. Soviet military bases were very close to the USA.
  b. Soviet missiles were very inaccurate.
  c. None of them are correct.
28. What was the Viet Cong?
  a. A North Vietnamese party.
  b. A South Vietnamese party.
  c. None of them.
29. How many American soldiers were killed?
  a. 533,000.
  b. 3,000
  c. 58,000.
30. Why did the Soviets invade Afghanistan?
  a. In order to support the communist government.
  b. In order to depose the Taliban government.
  c. None of them.
31. What was Gorbachev's policy of Perestroika?
  a. Reforms in order to modernise the communist system.
  b. The facilitation of tense relations.
  c. Deviating only slightly or within acceptable limits from the Soviet standard policy.
32. Who was Ho Chi Minh?
  a. He founded the Viet Minh.
  b. He created the communist Democratic Republic of Vietnam.
  c. Both answers are correct.
33. How did Algeria get independence?
  a. Peacefully.
  b. Violently.
  c. None of them.
34. Why is Gibraltar a colony?
  a. It is still controlled by the USA.
  b. It is still controlled by Great Britain.
  c. Gibraltar is not a colony.
35. What political problems did independent nations face as a result of European colonial rule?
  a. Most of the boundaries were traced without any tribal respect.
  b. These countries did not have well-prepared politicians.
  c. Both answers are correct.