martes, 17 de mayo de 2016

4º CC.SS. - TEMA 10 - Review

1. The Cold War…
  a. …lasted between 1945 and 1989.
  b. … was a direct war between the USA and the USSR.
  c. Both answers are correct.
2. The Iron Curtain formed the imaginary boundary dividing Europe into two separate areas…
  a. …from Stettin to Trieste.
  b. …from Moscow to Warsaw.
  c. …from Danzig to Belgrade.
3. Zhdanov denounced…
  a. Soviet communism.
  b. American imperialism.
  c. British imperialism.
4. The NATO was…
  a. A military alliance.
  b. An economic alliance.
  c. Both answers are correct.
5. What does NATO mean?
  a. North American Treaty Organisation.
  b. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.
  c. North African Treaty Organisation.
6. ANZUS was an alliance founded…
  a. Between Austria, New Zealand, and the USA.
  b. Between Australia, New Zealand, and the USA.
  c. None of them are correct.
7. The COMECON was…
  a. A military alliance.
  b. An economic alliance.
  c. Both answers are correct.
8. The Warsaw Pact was…
  d. A military alliance.
  e. An economic alliance.
  f. Both answers are correct.
9. Choose the best definition for a “cold war”.
  a. A cold relationship between the USA and the USSR
  b. A difficult relationship between the USA and the USSR.
  c. A diplomatic relationship between the USA and the USSR.
10. What was the Marshal Plan?
  a. Economic assistance for the reconstruction of the European countries.
  b. A European recovery programme.
  c. Both answers are correct.