domingo, 23 de octubre de 2016

3º CC.SS. - TEMA 2 - Climates and landscapes

Weather describes what is happening in a given place at a given time. Weather changes a lot in a very short time. We hear about weather on television everyday. We hear about precipitation, temperature, winds, etc in a place for a short period of time.

Climate describes all the weather occurring over a period of years in a given place. This includes average weather conditions, seasonal variation, temperatures, precipitation, etc. Climate tells us what the weather is usually like in different places. London has a wet and mild climate, Almeria has a dry and mild climate…

Hot climates
The equatorial environment. The jungle. The equatorial climate is humid and warm all year. It has a permanent forest called jungle. Jungle is a very dense rainforest, where sunlight cannot reach the ground and where there is a rich fauna. There are often lots of monkeys, snakes and insects. There are not many humans. Ecological problems like deforestation are threatening life in the equatorial regions.
The tropical environment. The tropical rainforest and the savannah. Tropical climates are found north and south of the equatorial zone. They are very similar, but there is a dry season. Tropical rainforest is similar to jungle, but less dense. Savannas are areas of grass and trees like the baobab. Savannas are found in the drier areas. The fauna is very rich, full of herbivore animals like giraffes, zebras, etc. Human populations live in the valleys of rivers. Desertification is growing.
The desert environment. Hot deserts. The desert climate is located around the tropicsad it has very little rainfall. Temperatures are hot during the day all year round. Vegetation is very scarce. The fauna is not very rich, only reptiles, insects and some birds live there. Nomadic people live in oases where they can find water and grow plants.

Mild climates
The oceanic environment. The Atlantic forests. The oceanic climate is located on the west coast of continents between the tropics and the polar circles. Precipitation is regular all year and temperatures are mild. Atlantic forests of oaks and fields of green grass are the most common landscapes. Deer, bears, wolves, insects and birds provide a varied fauna. Most of the areas are very densely populated and the natural environment is in danger.
The Mediterranean environment. The Mediterranean forest. The Mediterranean climate is basically located around the Mediterranean sea. Its primary characteristic is hot and dry summers. Mediterranean forests include bushes and Holm oaks. Reptiles and birds are very common. Human settlements are very old and agriculture has invaded most of the natural landscapes.
The continental environment. Grassland, steppe and taiga. The continental climate is located in the interior of the continents between the tropics and the polar circles. Precipitation is irregular, mostly in summer. Winters are extremely cold and summers are warm. Flora changes from the south to the north. Grassland is located in the temperate zone. It is covered in grass, because there is not enough precipitation for the growth of trees. The steppe is located near the deserts and is covered with short grass. The taiga, located in the northern areas, is a coniferous forest. Fauna includes deer and bears. The human population is dense in European continental enviroments.

Cold climates
The polar environment. The tundra. The polar climate is located inside the polar circles. It has very low temperatures all year round. Precipitation falls as snow. Tundra is the polar flora. It is a herbaceous formation of moss and lichen. Fauna includes seals and penguins. The population is low.
The mountainous environment. The mountainous climate is located everywhere around the world over high mountains. Flora changes with altitude, starting from forests and grasslands and ending in moss and lichen on top. The fauna includes goats and birds. There are few humans.