martes, 8 de noviembre de 2016

3º CC.SS. - TEMAS 1-2 - Review

Underline the right answer:

1. The science that describes and explains territories is…
a. Cartography.
b. Geography.
c. Technology.
2. Scale is…
a. A geographic information sensing.
b. The proportion between the map and reality.
c. A graphical representation of a territory.
3. A cylindrical projection is used to represent…
a. The poles.
b. The entire world.
c. A hemisphere.
4. A conical projection is used to represent…
a. The poles.
b. The entire world.
c. A hemisphere.
5. A flat projection is used to represent…
a. The poles.
b. The entire world.
c. A hemisphere.
6. Conical projection…
a. Placed into a cone.
b. Projected onto a flat surface.
c. Surrounded by a cylinder.
7. Cylindrical projection…
a. Placed into a cone.
b. Projected onto a flat surface.
c. Surrounded by a cylinder.
8. Flat projection…
a. Placed into a cone.
b. Projected onto a flat surface.
c. Surrounded by a cylinder.
9. Meridians are…
a. Semicircles which go from one pole to the other.
b. Circles which are perpendicular to the parallels.
c. Circles which go from one pole to the other.
10. Parallels are…
a. Semicircles which go from one pole to the other.
b. Circles which are perpendicular to the meridians.
c. Circles which go from one pole to the other.
11. Ptolemy…
a. Was the father of Geography.
b. Drew a world map.
c. Drew the first map of the New World.
12. Humboldt…
a. Was the father of Geography.
b. Drew a world map.
c. Drew the first map of the New World.
13. Juan de la Cosa…
a. Was the father of Geography.
b. Drew a world map.
c. Drew the first map of the New World.
14. Mount Kenya is located in…
a. Africa.
b. Asia.
c. America.
15. Mount Teide is located in…
a. Africa.
b. Asia.
c. America.
16. Mount McKinley is located in…
a. Africa.
b. Asia.
c. America.
17. Mount Aconcagua is located in…
a. Africa.
b. Asia.
c. America.
18 What is the name of the chain of volcanoes around the Pacific Ocean?
a. Volcano strip.
b. Ring of fire.
c. Pacific hell.
19. Ganges is located in…
a. Africa.
b. Asia.
c. America.
20. Colorado is located in…
a. Africa.
b. Asia.
c. America.
21. Niger is located in…
a. Africa.
b. Asia.
c. America.
22. The Duero flows towards…
a. The Atlantic Ocean.
b. The Mediterranean.
c. The Cantabrian Sea.
23. The Guadalquivir flows towards…
a. The Atlantic Ocean.
b. The Mediterranean.
c. The Cantabrian Sea.
24. The Tajo flows towards…
a. The Atlantic Ocean.
b. The Mediterranean.
c. The Cantabrian Sea.
25. The Ebro flows towards…
a. The Atlantic Ocean.
b. The Mediterranean.
c. The Cantabrian Sea.
26. Weather…
a. Describes what occurs over a period of years in a given place
b. Describes what is happening in a given place at a given time.
c. None of them.
27. Climate…
a. Describes what occurs over a period of years in a given place
b. Describes what is happening in a given place at a given time.
c. None of them.
28. The tropical climate…
a. Is humid and warm all year.
b. Is found north and south of the equatorial zone.
c. Is located around the tropics and it has very little rainfall.
29. The equatorial climate…
a. Is humid and warm all year.
b. Is found north and south of the equatorial zone.
c. Is located around the tropics and it has very little rainfall.
30. The desert climate…
a. Is humid and warm all year.
b. Is found north and south of the equatorial zone.
c. Is located around the tropics and it has very little rainfall.
31. Characteristics of Atlantic climate are...
a. Hot and dry summers.
b. Regular precipitation all year and mild temperatures.
c. Irregular precipitation, mostly in summer
32. Characteristics of Mediterranean climate are...
a. Hot and dry summers.
b. Regular precipitation all year and mild temperatures.
c. Irregular precipitation, mostly in summer
33. Characteristics of Continental climate are...
a. Hot and dry summers.
b. Regular precipitation all year and mild temperatures.
c. Irregular precipitation, mostly in summer