viernes, 27 de enero de 2017

4º CC.SS. - TEMA 4 - Review

1.- Indicate whether the following statements correspond to Great Britain or Spain:
• It had abundant deposits of coal and iron:
• The majority of the peasant population lived in misery:
• Liberal ideas favored private initiative:
• Agricultural innovations were developed:
• The transport network was scarce, making communication difficult:
• There were several civil wars during the nineteenth century:
• Industrialization and wealth was highly concentrated regionally:
• The bourgeoisie had accumulated capital with commerce:
• Agricultural yields increased:
• There was political stability during the nineteenth century:
• Coal was of poor quality:
• There was a good network of roads and canals:

2.- Underline the correct answer:
1. Spanish population went … in 1797 … in 1900.
a. From 9.1 million to 16.7 million.
b. From 11.5 million to 18.6 million.
c. From 14.3 million to 20.3 million.
2. The most populated city in 1857 was…
a. Madrid.
b. Barcelona.
c. Bilbao.
3. The most populated city in 1900 was…
a. Madrid.
b. Barcelona.
c. Bilbao.
4. Agricultural reforms were:
a. The manorial system was solidified.
b. The land belonging to the church was confiscated.
c. Lands were redistributed to poor farmers.
5. At the beginning of the century the metal industry was located in…
a. Andalusia.
b. Asturias.
c. Basque Country.
6. By the end of the century the metal industry was located in…
a. Andalusia.
b. Asturias.
c. Basque Country.
7. There were coal mines in…
a. Catalonia.
b. Asturias.
c. The vicinity of Madrid.

3.- Answer the key questions (2 page 100).

  • What characteristics had the Spanish population in the 19th century?
  • Why did people migrate?
  • What was the desamortización? What were its effects?
  • What obstacles had the Spanish industrialisation?
  • What minerals were exploited? How was the railroad built?
  • What social groups were there in Spain?
  • What new ideologies appeared in Spain associated with the labour movement?