martes, 7 de febrero de 2017

3º CC.SS. - TEMA 5 - Test

Underline the right answer:
18. In Spain, the service sector employs…
a. 19% of the workforce.
b. 10% of the workforce.
c. 76% of the workforce.
19. Among the activities in the service sector are…
a. Education, banking, cultural services.
b. Healthcare, recreational services and canning industry.
c. Both answers are correct.
20. Renewable energies are…
a. Tidal power and coal.
b. Solar and wind power.
c. Geothermal energy and oil.
21. In Spain, the secondary sector employs…
a. 19% of the workforce.
b. 10% of the workforce.
c. 76% of the workforce.
22. The increase in the demand for water is becoming an acute problem because of…
a. The waste by advanced countries.
b. Improvements in household water efficiency.
c. Both answers are correct.
23. What economic sector does mining belong to?
a. Primary sector.
b. Secondary sector.
c. Tertiary sector.
24. Relocation is…
a. Many industrial activities have moved from developing countries to developed countries.
b. Many industrial activities have moved from developed countries to other countries.
c. None of them.
25. Capitalism is based on…
a. Planned economy.
b. Subsistence economy.
c. Market economy.
26. Autonomous communities with offshore wind farms are…
a. Madrid and Galicia.
b. Catalonia and Andalusia.
c. Extremadura and Andalusia.
27. Which autonomous community receives the most tourists?
a. Andalusia.
b. Catalonia.
c. Balearic Islands.
28. What economic sector does fishing belong to?
a. Primary sector.
b. Secondary sector.
c. Tertiary sector.
29. The port of Almería is located on…
a. The Mediterranean Sea.
b. The Cantabrian Sea.
c. The Atlantic Ocean.
30. The port of Huelva is located on…
a. The Atlantic Ocean.
b. The Mediterranean Sea.
c. The Cantabrian Sea.
31. The port of Pasajes is located on…
a. The Cantabrian Sea.
b. The Mediterranean Sea.
c. The Atlantic Ocean.
32. The port of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria is located on…
a. The Cantabrian Sea.
b. The Pacific Ocean.
c. The Atlantic Ocean.