martes, 21 de febrero de 2017

4º CC.SS. - TEMA 7 - Review

R1.- Answer the key questions (page 162):
  • What was the Bolshevik Revolution? What new type of state did it create? What was Stalinism?
  • What were the Roaring 20s? What event ended the decade of prosperity? What was the Great Depression? How was the depression attempted to end?
  • What is fascism? How did Mussolini rise to power?
  • What explains the triumph of Nazi Party? What are the ideals of Nazism?
  • What ideological and economic aspects of Nazism paved the way to World War II?

R2.- Define:

  • Duma
  • Gestapo
  • Hitler Youth
  • NKVD
  • New Deal
  • KKK
  • KKK
  • Nuremberg Laws
  • Putsch
  • Red Army
  • SA
  • SS
  • TVA
  • USSR