jueves, 9 de febrero de 2017

4º CC.SS. - TEMA 5 - Review

1.- Answer the key questions (page 122).
• What factors explained the imperialism in the 19th century?
• What territories occupied Europeans? What were the most important empires?
• How did Europeans organise their possessions? What consequences had the imperialism for the dominated populations?
• What causes explained the First World War? How did the war begin?
• What stages did the war have? What were the main characteristics?
• What was the League of Nations? What were there objectives? What problems did the Society of Nations face?

2.- Define: Colonialism, Protectorates, Dominions, Mandates, Entente Cordiale, Treaty of Saint-Germain, Trench, White Man’s Burden, Companies, Berlin Conference, Schlieffen Plan, Opium War.

3.- Correct:
• The term colony comes from the Latin word colonus, meaning craftsman:
• Imperialism, on the other hand, comes from the Latin term imperium, meaning to populate:
• It was not until the 17th century that Britain, Germany and the Netherlands successfully established overseas empires:
• Spain and France were irreversibly weakened after the loss of their New World colonies:
• In some zones the indigenous population was drastically reduced in the late days of imperialism:
• The foreign colonists were replaced by natives:
• Manufacturing increased in the colonies:
• Some indigenous groups occupied the high levels of the colonial society:
• The native westernized middle classes demanded the right to citizenship:
• The natives set up their identity and replaced settlers’ modes of behaviour and thought:
• The Islam displaced the preexisting creeds in many zones of Africa:
• Europeans put an end to the racial conflicts in Africa:
• The bison were almost exterminated by Sioux hunters: