jueves, 2 de marzo de 2017

4º CC.SS. - TEMA 7 - Democratic regimes or fascist regimes

R3.- Indicate whether the following sentences are referring to democratic regimes or fascist regimes:

  • Anti-Parliamentarism:
  • Control of education:
  • Autarkic economy:
  • Adulation of a single charismatic national leader:
  • Disdain for intellectuals and the arts:
  • Identification of enemies (scapegoats) as a unifying cause:
  • Belief in equality of people:
  • Ultranationalism:
  • Imperialist expansionism:
  • Multi-party system:
  • Rigidity of traditional gender roles (sexism):
  • Press censorship:
  • Fraudulent elections:
  • Belief in inequality of people:
  • Single-party system:
  • Violence against opponents:
  • Racism:
  • Anti-Semitism:
  • Supremacy of the military: