lunes, 13 de marzo de 2017

4º CC.SS. - TEMA 7 - Review

R4.- Identify the statements that are true and correct the false ones:
  • The last tsar was Alexander III:
  • After Lenin’s death, Stalin and Molotov fought for the leadership:
  • Socialists put on fire the Reichstag:
  • Nazis liked reading all kind of books:
  • Adolf Hitler was born in Czechia:
  • In the February Revolution the Bolshevik party overthrew the Provisional Government:
  • Lenin promised land, wheat and war in his April Theses:
  • Women’s situation got better during the Third Reich
  • Trotsky led the White Army:
  • After the Putsch, Hitler became German chancellor:
  • In 1936 Rome-London Axis is formed:
  • Hoover advocated state intervention to revive the economy:
  • The Nazis believed that the Germans were “racially inferior”:
  • SS leaders were killed on the Night of the Long Knifes:
  • Italian Fascism defended liberalism and Marxist socialism:
  • Benito Mussolini was supported by the Brownshirts:
