viernes, 17 de marzo de 2017

4º. CC.SS. - TEMA 8 - Review (1)

R1.- Answer the key questions (page 184).
a) What reforms did liberals and conservatives carry out after 1898?
b) What was the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera? How did he justify the coup?
c) What was the reform project of the Second Republic?
d) What causes led to the Civil War?
e) What differences can be established in the political and social evolution of the Republican and Francoist zones?

R2.- Who were these figures?
Alphonso XIII, Antonio Maura, José Canalejas, Miguel Primo de Rivera, Niceto Alcalá Zamora, Manuel Azaña, Clara Campoamor, José Sanjurjo, José María Gil Robles, Francisco Largo Caballero, Juan Negrín.