domingo, 10 de diciembre de 2017

2º CC.SS. - TEMA 4 - Romanesque Art

1.- Match each definition to what it describes: apse – apsidiole – semi-circular arch – groin vault – barrel vault – capital – dome – crossing – ambulatory – Latin cross floor plan – bell tower – transept – triforium – side nave

  • Arch used to attach the pillars to the walls:
  • Shorter section of the Latin cross floor plan:
  • Semi-circular dome divided into sections by arches:
  • The intersection of two barrel vaults:
  • Small, semicircular structure surrounding the apse:
  • Element that facilitated the movement of pilgrims around the church:
  • Part located above the crossing, with openings to illuminate the interior:
  • Semi-circular area at the top part of the cross where the altar was found:
  • Structure next to the main entrance, used to announce the time for prayer or as a watchtower:
  • Place where the two sections of the Latin cross met:
  • Top of a column, usually decorated:
  • Passageway to either side of the nave that is separated from the central nave by colonnades or arcades:
  • Church floor plan with unequal lengths:
  • Tribune located above the two aisles of the church:

2.- What were the main subjects of Romanesque art?

3.- Say whether the following statements about Romanesque painting are true or false:

  • The functions of Romanesque painting were didactic, moralising and decorative.
  • Romanesque architecture was less important than painting.
  • Romanesque painting was technically very complicated. It had no depth, figures were done with thick outlines, people were forward-facing and hieratic. Scenes were always adapted to the architectural framework.
  • A Romanesque painter left little or no empty space (horror vacui).
  • The most common motifs were scenes from the Bible and the lives of saints.
  • Romanesque painting was only done on the walls of churches (frescos).

4.- Correct the sentences.

  • Frescos were painted onto dry plaster.
  • There are many Romanesque paintings of life in cities.
  • Religious books were decorated with panel paintings.

5.- Choose the correct answer: What is an illuminated manuscript?

  • The type of light used to copy a manuscript. The monks only worked the hours that the sun illuminated the scriptorium.
  • A text that is supplemented with decoration such as initials, borders (marginalia) and miniature illustrations.
  • A type of mural painting done using only colors made with gold or silver.

6.- Match each description to the motif painted in apses (Pantocrator or Theotokos):

  • Christ within a mandorla.
  • Christ in the act of blessing.
  • Four evangelists or tetramorfos.
  • The Infant Jesus.
  • The Virgin Mary.

7.- What characteristics did Romanesque sculpture have?

8.-Say whether the following statements about Romanesque sculpture are true or false:

  • Sculptures were made only in stone.
  • Expressive figures that had movement and perspective.
  • Hieratic, rigid figures without perspective.
  • Figures organised hierarchically and geometrically according to importance.
  • Independent of architecture.
  • Subject to architecture.
  • Carvings made of wood and brightly-coloured polychrome.