martes, 18 de septiembre de 2018

4º CC.SS. - Weather and climate

Weather describes what is ________________ in a given ________________ at a given ________________ . Weather ________________ a lot in a very ________________ time. We hear ________________ weather on television ________________ . We hear ________________ precipitation, ________________ , winds, ________________ in a place for a ________________ period of ________________ .

Climate ________________ all the weather ________________ over a period of ________________ in a given ________________ . This includes ________________ weather conditions, ________________ variation, temperatures, ________________ , etc. Climate ________________ us what the ________________ is usually like in different ________________ . London has a ________________ and ________________ climate, Almeria has a ________________ and mild ________________ …

Hot climates are ________________ in the ________________ zone. In this ________________ , the average temperature of the oldest ________________ is at least 15 ºC.
The Equatorial Climate is characterised by constant, very ________________ temperatures and frequent, heavy ________________ .
The Tropical Climate has constant, very hot temperatures and ________________ rainfall but it has a dry ________________ that ________________ two to three ________________ .
The Desert Climate has very ________________ temperatures and very ________________ rainfall.

Mild climates are ________________ between the tropics and the polar circles. These climates are characterised by the succession of ________________ seasons: spring, ________________ , autumn and ________________ .
The Oceanic Climate or Atlantic Climate has ________________ temperatures and ________________ rainfall all year ________________ .
The Continental Climate has very ________________ winters and ________________ hot, humid ________________ .
The Mediterranean Climate is characterised by ________________ winters and hot, ________________ summers. Most ________________ occurs in the ________________ and autumn.

Cold climates are ________________ above the ________________ circles and in ________________ mountainous areas.
- The Polar Climate has the Earth’s lowest ________________ . Summer ________________ not exist: no ________________ has ________________ average ________________ above ________________ ºC. ________________ is almost non-existent.
- The High Mountain Climate has ________________ temperatures and ________________ rainfall, usually in the ________________ of snow.