lunes, 21 de enero de 2013

4º CC.SS.- TEMA 3 - Vocabulario

Une estas palabras con su definición correspondiente: Anarchism, Capitalism, Cartel, Enclosure Acts, Flying Shuttle, Holding, Industrialization, Norfolk Crop Rotation, Proletariat, Socialism, Spinning Jenny, Taylorism, Trust.

  • A manufacturing chain which has its production divided into highly specialized tasks and includes the use of advanced machinery.
  • New system of farming; a different crop grows on the same field each year.
  • The factory workers.
  • The proletariat would get political power by way of a revolution; a workers' state would be created without private property.
  • It is the rejection of all political authority.
  • It was invented by James Hargreaves and used in the textile industry.
  • Financial group that owns most of the stock in a group of companies and Banks.
  • A radical transformation of production systems.
  • A group of commercial enterprises combined to monopolize and control the market.
  • Agreement between companies.
  • New economic system based on private property.
  • It was invented by John Kay and used in the textile industry.
  • Laws which put an end to the old feudal system, which increased production and permitted putting all the land in the village together and giving it out in small pieces.