H. G. Wells: “History is a race between education and catastrophe”.
martes, 30 de enero de 2018
lunes, 29 de enero de 2018
4º CC.SS. - TEMA 4 - Activity
11.- Correct if necessary:
• The Spanish constitution of 1876 declares Isabella II legitimate Queen of Spain:
• The legislative power resides in the judges:
• The Cortes is composed of two legislative bodies, the Senate and the Chamber of Representatives:
• All senators are elected:
• All senators must be fifty-five years of age:
• One deputy being elected for every 75,000 souls:
• Deputies are elected for a period of six years:
• The president and vice-presidents of the Congress are nominated by the king:
• Citizens can be compelled to pay a tax not voted by Congress:
• The person of deputies is not inviolable.
• Judges and magistrates are movable:
• The provinces are administered by a mayor:
• A Provincial Deputation is elected by the voters of the province:
• Below the provincial council are the municipal authorities, the governors and municipal councils:
• The Spanish constitution of 1876 declares Isabella II legitimate Queen of Spain:
• The legislative power resides in the judges:
• The Cortes is composed of two legislative bodies, the Senate and the Chamber of Representatives:
• All senators are elected:
• All senators must be fifty-five years of age:
• One deputy being elected for every 75,000 souls:
• Deputies are elected for a period of six years:
• The president and vice-presidents of the Congress are nominated by the king:
• Citizens can be compelled to pay a tax not voted by Congress:
• The person of deputies is not inviolable.
• Judges and magistrates are movable:
• The provinces are administered by a mayor:
• A Provincial Deputation is elected by the voters of the province:
• Below the provincial council are the municipal authorities, the governors and municipal councils:
2º CC.SS. - TEMA 4 - Activities
1.- Listen and identify the speakers:
Charlemagne – Pelagius (Pelayo) – Alfonso II – Sancho III – Fernán González – Fernando I – Al-Mansur – Wilfred the Hairy – Borrell II
2.- Listen and choose the correct answer:
1. Who was Charlemagne?
a. King of the Franks.
b. King of the Germans.
c. King of the Goths.
2. Was Charlemagne able to cross the Ebro and take control of Zaragoza, Huesca and Tortosa?
a. He crossed the Ebro but was only able to take Tortosa.
b. No.
c. Yes.
3. What was the name of the heavily fortified protective strip created by the Franks along the Pyrenees?
a. Marca Franca.
b. Marca Hispanica.
c. Marca Pirenaica.
4. Who governed the counties on the southern border of the Frankish kingdom?
a. The king.
b. The Church.
c. Counts.
5. What happened with the present-day territories of Navarra, Aragon and Catalonia after the death of Charlemagne?
a. They were conquered by the king of Leon.
b. They were conquered by Muslims.
c. They became independent from Frankish rule.
3.- Listen and identify the speaker: Alfonso III, Al-Mansur, Ferdinand I or Fernán González.
4.- Complete the sentences. Then, listen and check.
Centres of resistance
During the 8th century, an army of Muslims invaded the Peninsula. Two mountainous regions around the ____________________ and the Cantabrian Mountains resisted invasion.
The Christian kingdoms and counties began the ____________________ of the land occupied by the Muslims.
Western focus
In Asturias, a group of Hispano-____________________ nobles and families resisted the Muslims and refused to pay ____________________ to them. This led to the creation of the Kingdom of ____________________, which after expanding west (Galicia), east (Cantabria) and south, became the Kingdom of ____________________.
The Pyrenean region
The counties that formed the Marca ____________________ in the Pyrenees were controlled by the ____________________ Empire. The Frankish emperor chose the nobles (counts and marquis) who ruled the territories. The counties gained independence from Frankish rule and became the counties of Aragón, the Catalan counties and the Kingdom of ____________________, later known as Navarre.
Progress and setbacks of the reconquest
While the Caliphate of Al-Andalus was breaking down, the Christian kingdoms continued to expand during the 11th century. They reached the ____________________ Valley in the west and the ____________________ Valley in the east.
The Kingdoms of Castile and León, Aragón and Navarre and the Catalan counties grew stronger, but their 12th-century advances were blocked by the Almoravids and ____________________.
5.- Listen and say which type of resettlement (free resettlement or concejiles resettlement) each statement or date refers to:
6.- Use the following words to complete the text:
Alfonso – Almoravids – Cantar – Cid – collaboration – exile – exile – minstrels – musulmanes – Sidi – Valencia – Vivar – Zaragoza
Rodrigo Díaz de ___________ was an 11th-century Castilian knight.
He was educated at the court and became a vassal to ___________VI of Castile and León.
His relationships with the monarchs were difficult and alternated between stages of ___________and stages of ___________from the kingdom.
During one period of ___________ from Castile, Rodrigo created a small armed retinue that followed his orders.
He spent time serving the king of ___________ and the ___________ gave him the name ___________ (lord), which is probably where his nickname ___________ comes from.
Later on, he fought against the ___________ and besieged the city of Valencia, where he established a Christian taifa.
The character of El Cid fascinated the Castilians and ___________sang of his exploits in the ___________del Mio Cid.
Charlemagne – Pelagius (Pelayo) – Alfonso II – Sancho III – Fernán González – Fernando I – Al-Mansur – Wilfred the Hairy – Borrell II
2.- Listen and choose the correct answer:
1. Who was Charlemagne?
a. King of the Franks.
b. King of the Germans.
c. King of the Goths.
2. Was Charlemagne able to cross the Ebro and take control of Zaragoza, Huesca and Tortosa?
a. He crossed the Ebro but was only able to take Tortosa.
b. No.
c. Yes.
3. What was the name of the heavily fortified protective strip created by the Franks along the Pyrenees?
a. Marca Franca.
b. Marca Hispanica.
c. Marca Pirenaica.
4. Who governed the counties on the southern border of the Frankish kingdom?
a. The king.
b. The Church.
c. Counts.
5. What happened with the present-day territories of Navarra, Aragon and Catalonia after the death of Charlemagne?
a. They were conquered by the king of Leon.
b. They were conquered by Muslims.
c. They became independent from Frankish rule.
3.- Listen and identify the speaker: Alfonso III, Al-Mansur, Ferdinand I or Fernán González.
4.- Complete the sentences. Then, listen and check.
Centres of resistance
During the 8th century, an army of Muslims invaded the Peninsula. Two mountainous regions around the ____________________ and the Cantabrian Mountains resisted invasion.
The Christian kingdoms and counties began the ____________________ of the land occupied by the Muslims.
Western focus
In Asturias, a group of Hispano-____________________ nobles and families resisted the Muslims and refused to pay ____________________ to them. This led to the creation of the Kingdom of ____________________, which after expanding west (Galicia), east (Cantabria) and south, became the Kingdom of ____________________.
The Pyrenean region
The counties that formed the Marca ____________________ in the Pyrenees were controlled by the ____________________ Empire. The Frankish emperor chose the nobles (counts and marquis) who ruled the territories. The counties gained independence from Frankish rule and became the counties of Aragón, the Catalan counties and the Kingdom of ____________________, later known as Navarre.
Progress and setbacks of the reconquest
While the Caliphate of Al-Andalus was breaking down, the Christian kingdoms continued to expand during the 11th century. They reached the ____________________ Valley in the west and the ____________________ Valley in the east.
The Kingdoms of Castile and León, Aragón and Navarre and the Catalan counties grew stronger, but their 12th-century advances were blocked by the Almoravids and ____________________.
5.- Listen and say which type of resettlement (free resettlement or concejiles resettlement) each statement or date refers to:
- The king granted lands to free peasants:
- The settlers owned allodia and founded villages with pastures, water and forests held collectively:
- The monarchs granted privileges to encourage the settlement of cities:
- They were organized collectively by the monarchs in areas on the border that suffered continued attacks:
- They were also refered to as presura or aprisio:
- 9th and 10th centuries:
- 11th and 12th centuries:
6.- Use the following words to complete the text:
Alfonso – Almoravids – Cantar – Cid – collaboration – exile – exile – minstrels – musulmanes – Sidi – Valencia – Vivar – Zaragoza
Rodrigo Díaz de ___________ was an 11th-century Castilian knight.
He was educated at the court and became a vassal to ___________VI of Castile and León.
His relationships with the monarchs were difficult and alternated between stages of ___________and stages of ___________from the kingdom.
During one period of ___________ from Castile, Rodrigo created a small armed retinue that followed his orders.
He spent time serving the king of ___________ and the ___________ gave him the name ___________ (lord), which is probably where his nickname ___________ comes from.
Later on, he fought against the ___________ and besieged the city of Valencia, where he established a Christian taifa.
The character of El Cid fascinated the Castilians and ___________sang of his exploits in the ___________del Mio Cid.
Me felicitaron por mi papel durante la reconstrucción del crimen: recibí el disparo con valentía, me mantuve inmóvil mientras trazaban mi silueta en el piso, ni siquiera grité durante la autopsia.
Solo mas tarde, cuando me dejaron en la tumba, comencé a arrepentirme de ser tan dedicado a mi trabajo.
Daniel Castillo, Consagración.
viernes, 26 de enero de 2018
Draga Mašin
Alejandro I de Serbia había conocido a Draga Mašin en 1897 cuando prestaba servicio como dama de honor de su madre. Draga era diez años mayor que el rey, estaba mal vista en la sociedad de Belgrado, se creía que era estéril y según decían era muy conocida por sus numerosas relaciones sexuales. Durante una acalorada reunión del Consejo de la Corona, cuando los ministros intentaron en vano disuadir al rey de que se casara con Mašin, el ministro del Interior Djordje Genčić ofreció un argumento poderoso: "Señor, no puede usted casarse con ella. Ha sido amante de todo el mundo, yo incluido". La recompensa del ministro por su franqueza fue un bofetón en toda la cara.
Christopher Clark, Sonámbulos. Cómo Europa fue a la guerra en 1914, Galaxia Gutenberg, Barcelona, 2014.
lunes, 22 de enero de 2018
El cuento
Protesto, Señoría. Sin duda, la denunciante habrá sido acunada con cuentos. Y conocerá el peligro de adentrarse en el bosque con su llamativa caperuza de color rojo. Nunca debió detenerse a recoger unas flores ni mantener conversación alguna con mi defendido, que se limitó a obrar según su instintiva naturaleza.
viernes, 19 de enero de 2018
El sistema
Me viene a la cabeza algo que me contó, hace cinco o seis años, Miguel Littín. Él venía de filmar La tierra prometida en el valle de Ranquil, comarca pobre de Chile.
Los campesinos del lugar hacían de extras en las escenas de masas. Unos se representaban a sí mismos. Otros hacían el papel de soldados. Los soldados invadían el valle y a sangre y fuego arrancaban las tierras a los campesinos. La película era la crónica de la matanza.
Al tercer día, empezaron los problemas. Los campesinos que vestían uniforme, andaban de a caballo y disparaban balas de fogueo se habían hecho arbitrarios, mandones y violentos. Ellos acosaban a los otros campesinos después de cada jornada de filmación.
Eduardo Galeano, Días y noches de amor y de guerra, Siglo XXI, Madrid, 2005.
jueves, 18 de enero de 2018
miércoles, 17 de enero de 2018
2º CC.SS. - TEMA 4 - Conceptos clave
Une palabras con definiciones:
Marca Hispánica, repoblación, condado, peregrinación, reconquista, taifa, parias, prerrománico, concejo, presura, fuero, carta puebla.
• Zona defensiva establecida por Carlomagno al sur de los Pirineos.
• Reunión de aldeanos.
• Ocupación por nuevos habitantes de las tierras arrebatadas a los musulmanes.
• Viaje por motivos religiosos.
• Proceso de expansión hacia el sur de los reinos y condados cristianos.
• Reino independiente formado en al-Ándalus cuando desapareció el Califato.
• Tributo en oro y objetos preciosos.
• Arte desarrollado en la España cristiana antes del Románico.
• Concesión de tierra a campesinos.
• Territorio dependiente de un reino. Gobernado por un conde.
• Contratos que fijaban las condiciones de cultivo de las tierras.
• Derechos, libertades o exenciones que se otorgaban a los habitantes de una ciudad.
Marca Hispánica, repoblación, condado, peregrinación, reconquista, taifa, parias, prerrománico, concejo, presura, fuero, carta puebla.
• Zona defensiva establecida por Carlomagno al sur de los Pirineos.
• Reunión de aldeanos.
• Ocupación por nuevos habitantes de las tierras arrebatadas a los musulmanes.
• Viaje por motivos religiosos.
• Proceso de expansión hacia el sur de los reinos y condados cristianos.
• Reino independiente formado en al-Ándalus cuando desapareció el Califato.
• Tributo en oro y objetos preciosos.
• Arte desarrollado en la España cristiana antes del Románico.
• Concesión de tierra a campesinos.
• Territorio dependiente de un reino. Gobernado por un conde.
• Contratos que fijaban las condiciones de cultivo de las tierras.
• Derechos, libertades o exenciones que se otorgaban a los habitantes de una ciudad.
martes, 16 de enero de 2018
2º CC.SS. - TEMA 4 - El Románico en la Península Ibérica
Indica si las siguientes características o edificios pertenecen al románico inicial, francés o mudéjar:
• Catedral de Zamora:
• Decorados con bandas lombardas:
• Iglesias de reducido tamaño:
• Monasterio de San Juan de la Peña:
• Campanario:
• Monasterio de San Pedro de la Roda:
• Monasterio de Santo Domingo de Silos:
• Se distingue por el uso de ladrillo:
• Iglesia de San Clemente de Tahull:
• Iglesia de San Tirso de Sahagún:
• Catedral de Santiago:
• Iglesia de San Isidoro de León:
• Característico de la mayor parte de las iglesias del Camino de Santiago:
• Sigue el modelo de Cluny:
• Catedral de Zamora:
• Decorados con bandas lombardas:
• Iglesias de reducido tamaño:
• Monasterio de San Juan de la Peña:
• Campanario:
• Monasterio de San Pedro de la Roda:
• Monasterio de Santo Domingo de Silos:
• Se distingue por el uso de ladrillo:
• Iglesia de San Clemente de Tahull:
• Iglesia de San Tirso de Sahagún:
• Catedral de Santiago:
• Iglesia de San Isidoro de León:
• Característico de la mayor parte de las iglesias del Camino de Santiago:
• Sigue el modelo de Cluny:
2º CC.SS. - TEMA 5 - Arte asturiano o arte mozárabe
![]() |
Santa María del Naranco |
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Santa María del Naranco |
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San Miguel de la Escalada |
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San Miguel de la Escalada |
Indica si las siguientes características o edificios pertenecen al arte asturiano o al arte mozárabe:
• Santa María del Naranco:
• Arco de medio punto:
• Arco de herradura:
• Bóveda de cañón:
• San Miguel de la Escalada:
• Contrafuertes exteriores:
lunes, 15 de enero de 2018
Obediencia debida
Tenemos órdenes de ser implacables si un compañero se queda parado de miedo.
Siento estar detrás de él en la fila, pero respiro hondo, lo empujo y cumplo con el deber.
Al tocar tierra sé que extrañaré a mi mejor amigo y un gran despistado, que olvidó ponerse el paracaídas.
Ángel Saiz Mora, Obediencia debida.
viernes, 12 de enero de 2018
Puesto avanzado
Como ejemplo de las desatinadas decisiones militares tomadas durante la Guerra de Vietnam, Colin Powell –futuro presidente del Estado Mayor Conjunto de los Estados Unidos– refirió un suceso altamente significativo: en una ocasión, cuando llegó a un puesto avanzado del ejército norteamericano, en una zona hostil, preguntó cuál era la razón por la que aquellos soldados estaban allí, en un área tan peligrosa. El motivo aducido por el oficial al mando era que debían proteger una pequeña pista de aterrizaje de helicópteros que se encontraba en las proximidades. A Powell le pareció una razón de peso para permanecer en aquel lugar, pero se le ocurrió preguntar por la finalidad de aquel improvisado helipuerto, puesto que aquella era una región aislada y, aparentemente, sin interés militar. La respuesta no pudo ser más surrealista: aquel oficial le aseguró que la única misión de aquel campo de aterrizaje era… ¡aprovisionar a sus hombres!
Jesús Hernández, ¡Es la guerra! Las mejores anécdotas de la historia militar, Roca Editorial, Barcelona, 2012.
jueves, 11 de enero de 2018
martes, 9 de enero de 2018
lunes, 8 de enero de 2018
La manzana
Eva probó la manzana, también Adán, y fueron expulsados del Edén. Paris se la entregó a Afrodita, conquistó a Helena, y eso causó la Guerra de Troya. A Newton estuvo a punto de caerle en la cabeza. Blancanieves casi perece al morderla. Harto, Guillermo Tell la atravesó con una flecha.
viernes, 5 de enero de 2018
Esto es igual que Pearl Harbor
La tarde del 11 de septiembre de 2001, la escritora americana Susan Jacoby oyó por casualidad a dos hombres que hablaban en un bar de Nueva York. "Esto es igual que Pearl Harbor", decía uno. "¿Qué es Pearl Harbor?", preguntaba el otro. "Cuando los vietnamitas tiraron bombas en una bahía y así empezó la guerra de Vietnam", contestó el primer hombre. ¿Importa que estuvieran equivocados? Yo diría que sí, que una ciudadanía que no es capaz de poner en contexto el presente y que tiene tan pocos conocimientos del pasado puede alimentar con demasiada facilidad el discurso de los que dicen hablar con conocimiento de la historia y de sus ejemplos.
Margaret MacMillan, Usos y abusos de la Historia, Ariel, Barcelona, 2010.
jueves, 4 de enero de 2018
2º CC.SS. - TEMA 4 - Activities
1.- Listen and identify the speakers:
Charlemagne – Pelagius (Pelayo) – Alfonso II – Sancho III – Fernán González – Fernando I – Al-Mansur – Wilfred the Hairy – Borrell II
2.- Listen and choose the correct answer:
1. Who was Charlemagne?
a. King of the Franks.
b. King of the Germans.
c. King of the Goths.
2. Was Charlemagne able to cross the Ebro and take control of Zaragoza, Huesca and Tortosa?
a. He crossed the Ebro but was only able to take Tortosa.
b. No.
c. Yes.
3. What was the name of the heavily fortified protective strip created by the Franks along the Pyrenees?
a. Marca Franca.
b. Marca Hispanica.
c. Marca Pirenaica.
4. Who governed the counties on the southern border of the Frankish kingdom?
a. The king.
b. The Church.
c. Counts.
5. What happened with the present-day territories of Navarra, Aragon and Catalonia after the death of Charlemagne?
a. They were conquered by the king of Leon.
b. They were conquered by Muslims.
c. They became independent from Frankish rule.
3.- Listen and identify the speaker: Alfonso III, Al-Mansur, Ferdinand I or Fernán González.
4.- Complete the sentences. Then, listen and check.
Centres of resistance
During the 8th century, an army of Muslims invaded the Peninsula. Two mountainous regions around the ____________________ and the Cantabrian Mountains resisted invasion.
The Christian kingdoms and counties began the ____________________ of the land occupied by the Muslims.
Western focus
In Asturias, a group of Hispano-____________________ nobles and families resisted the Muslims and refused to pay ____________________ to them. This led to the creation of the Kingdom of ____________________, which after expanding west (Galicia), east (Cantabria) and south, became the Kingdom of ____________________.
The Pyrenean region
The counties that formed the Marca ____________________ in the Pyrenees were controlled by the ____________________ Empire. The Frankish emperor chose the nobles (counts and marquis) who ruled the territories. The counties gained independence from Frankish rule and became the counties of Aragón, the Catalan counties and the Kingdom of ____________________, later known as Navarre.
Progress and setbacks of the reconquest
While the Caliphate of Al-Andalus was breaking down, the Christian kingdoms continued to expand during the 11th century. They reached the ____________________ Valley in the west and the ____________________ Valley in the east.
The Kingdoms of Castile and León, Aragón and Navarre and the Catalan counties grew stronger, but their 12th-century advances were blocked by the Almoravids and ____________________.
5.- Listen and say which type of resettlement (free resettlement or concejiles resettlement) each statement or date refers to:
6.- Use the following words to complete the text:
Alfonso – Almoravids – Cantar – Cid – collaboration – exile – exile – minstrels – musulmanes – Sidi – Valencia – Vivar – Zaragoza
Rodrigo Díaz de ___________ was an 11th-century Castilian knight.
He was educated at the court and became a vassal to ___________VI of Castile and León.
His relationships with the monarchs were difficult and alternated between stages of ___________and stages of ___________from the kingdom.
During one period of ___________ from Castile, Rodrigo created a small armed retinue that followed his orders.
He spent time serving the king of ___________ and the ___________ gave him the name ___________ (lord), which is probably where his nickname ___________ comes from.
Later on, he fought against the ___________ and besieged the city of Valencia, where he established a Christian taifa.
The character of El Cid fascinated the Castilians and ___________sang of his exploits in the ___________del Mio Cid.
7.- Complete the concept map with the names of the counties and kingdoms:
Kingdom of Navarre – Kingdom of Castile – Catalan Counties – Marca Hispanica – Kingdom of León – Kingdom of Aragón
Charlemagne – Pelagius (Pelayo) – Alfonso II – Sancho III – Fernán González – Fernando I – Al-Mansur – Wilfred the Hairy – Borrell II
2.- Listen and choose the correct answer:
1. Who was Charlemagne?
a. King of the Franks.
b. King of the Germans.
c. King of the Goths.
2. Was Charlemagne able to cross the Ebro and take control of Zaragoza, Huesca and Tortosa?
a. He crossed the Ebro but was only able to take Tortosa.
b. No.
c. Yes.
3. What was the name of the heavily fortified protective strip created by the Franks along the Pyrenees?
a. Marca Franca.
b. Marca Hispanica.
c. Marca Pirenaica.
4. Who governed the counties on the southern border of the Frankish kingdom?
a. The king.
b. The Church.
c. Counts.
5. What happened with the present-day territories of Navarra, Aragon and Catalonia after the death of Charlemagne?
a. They were conquered by the king of Leon.
b. They were conquered by Muslims.
c. They became independent from Frankish rule.
3.- Listen and identify the speaker: Alfonso III, Al-Mansur, Ferdinand I or Fernán González.
4.- Complete the sentences. Then, listen and check.
Centres of resistance
During the 8th century, an army of Muslims invaded the Peninsula. Two mountainous regions around the ____________________ and the Cantabrian Mountains resisted invasion.
The Christian kingdoms and counties began the ____________________ of the land occupied by the Muslims.
Western focus
In Asturias, a group of Hispano-____________________ nobles and families resisted the Muslims and refused to pay ____________________ to them. This led to the creation of the Kingdom of ____________________, which after expanding west (Galicia), east (Cantabria) and south, became the Kingdom of ____________________.
The Pyrenean region
The counties that formed the Marca ____________________ in the Pyrenees were controlled by the ____________________ Empire. The Frankish emperor chose the nobles (counts and marquis) who ruled the territories. The counties gained independence from Frankish rule and became the counties of Aragón, the Catalan counties and the Kingdom of ____________________, later known as Navarre.
Progress and setbacks of the reconquest
While the Caliphate of Al-Andalus was breaking down, the Christian kingdoms continued to expand during the 11th century. They reached the ____________________ Valley in the west and the ____________________ Valley in the east.
The Kingdoms of Castile and León, Aragón and Navarre and the Catalan counties grew stronger, but their 12th-century advances were blocked by the Almoravids and ____________________.
5.- Listen and say which type of resettlement (free resettlement or concejiles resettlement) each statement or date refers to:
- The king granted lands to free peasants:
- The settlers owned allodia and founded villages with pastures, water and forests held collectively:
- The monarchs granted privileges to encourage the settlement of cities:
- They were organized collectively by the monarchs in areas on the border that suffered continued attacks:
- They were also refered to as presura or aprisio:
- 9th and 10th centuries:
- 11th and 12th centuries:
6.- Use the following words to complete the text:
Alfonso – Almoravids – Cantar – Cid – collaboration – exile – exile – minstrels – musulmanes – Sidi – Valencia – Vivar – Zaragoza
Rodrigo Díaz de ___________ was an 11th-century Castilian knight.
He was educated at the court and became a vassal to ___________VI of Castile and León.
His relationships with the monarchs were difficult and alternated between stages of ___________and stages of ___________from the kingdom.
During one period of ___________ from Castile, Rodrigo created a small armed retinue that followed his orders.
He spent time serving the king of ___________ and the ___________ gave him the name ___________ (lord), which is probably where his nickname ___________ comes from.
Later on, he fought against the ___________ and besieged the city of Valencia, where he established a Christian taifa.
The character of El Cid fascinated the Castilians and ___________sang of his exploits in the ___________del Mio Cid.
7.- Complete the concept map with the names of the counties and kingdoms:
Kingdom of Navarre – Kingdom of Castile – Catalan Counties – Marca Hispanica – Kingdom of León – Kingdom of Aragón
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