- The Rococo movement
- The Neoclassical movement
- The Romanticism
- The Realism
- The Historicism
- The Art in the Industrial Age (The Architecture of the Iron and cement)
- The Impressionism
- The Neo-Impressionism
- The Modernism
This summary has to be given in two ways ; inside power with pictures and some brief comments and a little notebook .
At least 20 slides.
2-Write also long biographies and comment one painting or building of:
- Goya
- Gaudí
- Renoir
- Sorolla
3-Short biographies of :
- David
- Courbet
- Manet
- Monet
- Van Gogh
- Mariano Benlliure
All the groups will be marked as followed: 60% the power point, and the 40% the presentation in class, each group will have to present the power point to the rest of the class.
Remember to use the techniques for commenting a painting given by the English teacher.
Don´t overuse "the cut and paste"
Work in class in silence , the much the better
Be careful I think this is your last opportunity to pass the Term