H. G. Wells: “History is a race between education and catastrophe”.

martes, 31 de mayo de 2016

4º CC.SS. - TEMA 10 - Review

Join words with definitions
a) All-India Muslim League
c) Berlin Wall
d) Civil Rights Act
f) Cultural Revolution
g) De-Stalinisation
i) FLN
j) German Democratic Republic
k) Indian National Congress
l) Marshall Plan
n) Palestine Liberation Organisation
o) Red telephone
q) Third World
r) Truman Doctrine
s) Zhdanov Doctrine

• Council that fixed the economic principles for its state members.
• Anti-communist alliance created in 1954.
• European recovery programme.
• Process to fight the abuse of power of cult of personality.
• Military organisation headed by the USA.
• League that defended the interests of the Muslim population.
• Community instituted by the Treaty of Paris.
• It made people leave their traditional ways of life.
• Organisation established in order to create an independent state in Palestine.
• Algerian nationalist organisation.
• Communist state founded by the Soviets.
• Help to those countries which felt threatened by the USA and wanted to fight their imperialism.
• Nationalist party that defended the independence of the India.
• System that allows direct communication between the leaders of the United States and the USSR.
• Alliance founded between Australia, New Zealand, and the USA.
• Barrier that divided Berlin.
• Law that abolished all discrimination in the USA.
• Non-aligned countries.
• Economic aid for those countries which were in danger of being controlled by the communists.

lunes, 30 de mayo de 2016

4º CC.SS. - TEMA 10 - Review

22. Which Asian countries became communist?
  a. China, North Korea and Vietnam.
  b. Taiwan and Japan.
  c. Both answers are correct.
23. What was the Blockade of Berlin?
  a. The USSR cut all the contacts with West Berlin.
  b. The USA cut all the contacts with East Berlin.
  c. None of them.
24. What is the official status of the Korean War?
  a. There is a peace.
  b. There is an armistice.
  c. None of them.
25. Why was the Berlin Wall built?
  a. The inhabitants of West Berlin took advantage of the situation in order to cross the border to East Berlin.
  b. The inhabitants of East Berlin took advantage of the situation in order to cross the border to West Berlin.
  c. Both answers are correct.
26. Why did the Soviet Union put missiles in Cuba?
  a. In 1961 Kennedy tried to depose Castro.
  b. After Bay of Pigs, Castro strengthened his communist reforms on the island.
  c. Both answers are correct.
27. Why was the USA so worried about soviet missiles?
  a. Soviet military bases were very close to the USA.
  b. Soviet missiles were very inaccurate.
  c. None of them are correct.
28. What was the Viet Cong?
  a. A North Vietnamese party.
  b. A South Vietnamese party.
  c. None of them.
29. How many American soldiers were killed?
  a. 533,000.
  b. 3,000
  c. 58,000.
30. Why did the Soviets invade Afghanistan?
  a. In order to support the communist government.
  b. In order to depose the Taliban government.
  c. None of them.
31. What was Gorbachev's policy of Perestroika?
  a. Reforms in order to modernise the communist system.
  b. The facilitation of tense relations.
  c. Deviating only slightly or within acceptable limits from the Soviet standard policy.
32. Who was Ho Chi Minh?
  a. He founded the Viet Minh.
  b. He created the communist Democratic Republic of Vietnam.
  c. Both answers are correct.
33. How did Algeria get independence?
  a. Peacefully.
  b. Violently.
  c. None of them.
34. Why is Gibraltar a colony?
  a. It is still controlled by the USA.
  b. It is still controlled by Great Britain.
  c. Gibraltar is not a colony.
35. What political problems did independent nations face as a result of European colonial rule?
  a. Most of the boundaries were traced without any tribal respect.
  b. These countries did not have well-prepared politicians.
  c. Both answers are correct.


El mapa del tesoro

No todos pueden decirlo de pequeños. Yo sí podía, pero crecí y cambié sus cuentos de aventuras por mis citas clandestinas en el portal. Hoy, al recoger sus cosas, he encontrado un sobre escondido que me ha hecho desplegar las velas, porque he recordado... ¡que soy hija de una pirata!

Patricia Richmond, El mapa del tesoro.

lunes, 23 de mayo de 2016

La mujer del diplomático

Regresó, armada de escoba y recogedor, con ganas de acabar rápidamente una faena tan desagradable, pero esta vez necesitaría rasqueta y mucha lejía, había restos de sangre por todo el suelo del comedor.

Mary no preguntaba, le llamaban y le decían esta noche hay fiesta en la embajada, ella sobre las 3 de la mañana cogía la furgoneta de su empresa de limpieza "NO DEJAMOS NI RASTRO" y se encaminaba hacia allí.

Solo tenía una duda y era saber si eso que llamaban "guerra fría" sería por la costumbre que tenía la mujer del embajador de guardar los cadáveres en los grandes congeladores que había en los sótanos de la embajada.

Javier Puchades, La mujer del diplomático.

viernes, 20 de mayo de 2016

4º CC.SS. - TEMA 10 - Review

11. The capitalist bloc was led by…
  a. The USA.
  b. Great Britain.
  c. Germany.
12. Who led the movilisations in favour of civil rights?
  a. Dwight Eisenhower.
  b. John F. Kennedy.
  c. Martin Luther King.
13. How did the Japanese miracle occur?
  a. Thanks to the American investment.
  b. Thanks to the attitude of the Japanese.
  c. Both answer are correct.
14. Who was Robert Schumann?
  a. A German composer.
  b. A French minister.
  c. Both answers are correct.
15. The Treaty of Paris was signed by…
  a. France, Western Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg.
  b. France, Western Germany, Great Britain, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg.
  c. None of them.
16. The Treaty of Rome was signed by…
  a. France, Western Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Ireland.
  b. France, Western Germany, Great Britain, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg.
  c. None of them.
17. What was a dictatorship of the proletariat?
  a. The regime of the communist countries.
  b. Everything was controlled by the Communist party.
  c. Both answers are correct.
18. Why wasn’t Yugoslavia part of the Warsaw Pact?
  a. Yugoslavia was a capitalist country.
  b. There were not Soviet troops in Yugoslavia.
  c. Both answers are correct.
19. Who began the De-Stalinisation?
  a. Nikita Krushchev.
  b. Leonid Brezhnev.
  c. Mikhail Gorbachov.
20. What was the Prague Spring?
  a. Czech leader implemented some measures that restricted totalitarianism.
  b. There were measures to legalise non-communist political parties.
  c. Both answers are correct.
21. After WWII China suffered a civil war between…
  a. The Western Chinese and the Eastern Chinese.
  b. The Nationalists and the Communists.
  c. The Northern Chinese and the Southern Chinese.

martes, 17 de mayo de 2016

4º CC.SS. - TEMA 10 - Review

1. The Cold War…
  a. …lasted between 1945 and 1989.
  b. … was a direct war between the USA and the USSR.
  c. Both answers are correct.
2. The Iron Curtain formed the imaginary boundary dividing Europe into two separate areas…
  a. …from Stettin to Trieste.
  b. …from Moscow to Warsaw.
  c. …from Danzig to Belgrade.
3. Zhdanov denounced…
  a. Soviet communism.
  b. American imperialism.
  c. British imperialism.
4. The NATO was…
  a. A military alliance.
  b. An economic alliance.
  c. Both answers are correct.
5. What does NATO mean?
  a. North American Treaty Organisation.
  b. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.
  c. North African Treaty Organisation.
6. ANZUS was an alliance founded…
  a. Between Austria, New Zealand, and the USA.
  b. Between Australia, New Zealand, and the USA.
  c. None of them are correct.
7. The COMECON was…
  a. A military alliance.
  b. An economic alliance.
  c. Both answers are correct.
8. The Warsaw Pact was…
  d. A military alliance.
  e. An economic alliance.
  f. Both answers are correct.
9. Choose the best definition for a “cold war”.
  a. A cold relationship between the USA and the USSR
  b. A difficult relationship between the USA and the USSR.
  c. A diplomatic relationship between the USA and the USSR.
10. What was the Marshal Plan?
  a. Economic assistance for the reconstruction of the European countries.
  b. A European recovery programme.
  c. Both answers are correct.

lunes, 16 de mayo de 2016

Herencia familiar

Después de limpiar los tres dedos de polvo que cubrían el salón y darle una mano de pintura, coloqué el sillón de orejas de mi abuelo, la suave alfombra de pelo de mi madre y la lámpara de pie de mi hermano.

La policía aún busca sus cadáveres sin resultado.

Margarita del Brezo, Herencia familiar.

viernes, 13 de mayo de 2016

4º CC.SS. - TEMA 10

Tema 10

Didactic objectives and Contents

lunes, 9 de mayo de 2016


Siempre me recibe con una gran sonrisa y la mano sobre el corazón mostrando su alegría. Su mirada habla desde el ayer con inocencia infantil. A cambio solo espera cariño, besos, caricias. Su instinto maternal sigue intacto, sufre por mí aunque no recuerda mi nombre. Vive en el olvido... perdida.

Pilar Alejos, Perdida.

lunes, 2 de mayo de 2016

El lagarto Moguila

La nueva adquisición del señor Peebles para la tienda de mascotas es un lagarto gigante al que ha llamado Moguila. El reptil, luce un bombín azul marino y un bonito lazo fucsia que envuelve su membranoso cuerpo, como si se tratara de un regalo; así motiva su venta. Pasa el día expuesto tras el escaparate, y se ha convertido en la atracción del pueblo. Cada tarde, la gente se detiene ante el acristalado y observa cómo el señor Peebles le da una suculenta merienda a base de pequeñas mascotas; las que no consigue vender: conejillos, hámsteres, gatos, jerbos y ardillas.

Sergi Cambrils, El lagarto Moguila.